Mr. Hoang Duc Hung

  • 28 years of experience in consulting and auditing in Southeast Asia, Australia, and the United States, as well as being the lead consultant for several government-sponsored projects funded by international donors to establish legal frameworks for corporate governance in Vietnam, such as Decree 61 on the Supervision of State Enterprise Financial Management and Decree 05 on Internal Audit, along with projects to enhance the management capacity of corporations and holding companies during the equitization process.
  • Project leader and primary consultant in numerous projects providing Corporate Governance, Management and Enterprise Transformation, Corporate Restructuring, Business Administration, Internal Control, and Risk Management services for companies and corporations.
  • President of the Institute of Internal Auditors Vietnam (Institute of International Internal Auditors in Vietnam – IIA Vietnam) 2022-2027.
  • Member of the Vietnam Corporate Governance Initiative (VCGI) Board, a founding member of the Vietnam Institute of Directors (VIOD), participated in providing feedback to improve the Corporate Governance Principles (CG Code) 2019 and the Securities Law amendment 2019, responsible for building and evaluating the VNSI criteria set for 2017-2020, a member of the Judging Panel for the VLCA Sustainable Development Report Award 2021-2022, and a member of the National Outstanding Entrepreneur Appraisal Committee for 2022.