business crisis management conceptual image scaled

PwC conducted and published the results of its 2023 global risk survey based on information received from 3,910 business and risk leaders. PwC’s report highlights five compelling findings including: 1. Technology is increasingly important for businesses in shaping risk exposure and risk appetite in pursuing opportunities. new opportunities and tools to reduce risk and build resilience.

2. The need for a people-led and technology-enabled approach to risk.

3. Top-performing businesses are pioneering risk reframing into value-creating opportunities and achieving more successful results than others.

4. Five key activities help businesses increase resilience, create value, and maintain prosperity in the context of ever-changing risk factors and uncertainties in an increasingly complex direction.

5. Four critical questions leaders must answer before embarking on the journey of taking smarter risks enabled by technology and through the lens of innovation, opportunity, growth chief.

For detailed information, please see more here

Source: PwC

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