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On October 19, 2023, at the Headquarters of the State Securities Commission (SSC), the second Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony between the State Securities Commission and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) was signed to improve the quality of resources, contributing to promoting the effective and sustainable development of Vietnam’s stock market.

In this agreement, the two Parties will grasp and take advantage of cooperation opportunities to organize conferences, seminars and discussion forums, and at the same time, explore opportunities to share specialized resources. subjects and research results in fields of mutual interest to both Parties. In addition, the two Parties will explore opportunities to coordinate in organizing training for officials of the State Securities Commission, Stock Exchanges, Securities Depository Centers, Public Companies, Securities Companies, and Companies. fund management on topics such as finance, accounting, corporate governance, ethics and professionalism.

Find out more details here

Source: SSC

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